IVO Systems is backed by TitletownTech, a partnership of Microsoft and the Green Bay Packers


  • Know what you have on rent and where it is located
  • Utilize the telematics on your rented equipment
  • Track your rental costs and conversions
  • Communicate rental information to everyone
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Rental Accountability

Lost Rentals are a Thing of the Past

Nobody likes finding out you have a rental that was not needed or forgotten about. You need rental equipment information to be accessible by all to make informed decisions.

RentalVO allows you to see your rental equipment alongside your owned equipment on TrackVO. Easily review up-to-date costing, utilization, and rent-to-own conversions.

Aerial view of construction site

RentalVO Features

Stay Informed on Your Rentals

Rentals are often a necessary evil, don't let them turn into an unnecessary cost. You are able to view rental equipment on the equipment tracking page with your own equipment. In addition, you can view all your rental details in a simple dashboard.

The dashboard allows you to review utilizations, costs-to-date, and rent-to-own conversion calculations.

Leverage Rental Telematics Data

Bring in all your rental equipment telematics data into the system to make informed decisions. By collecting this data and referencing your other rental details, you get real time, actual rental costs per hour and more.

Integrations are available for a wide range of products. If you want learn more click here.